A Great Project Starts With
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NVMe and SSD disks provide unmatched speed and performance for your hosting needs. Access your data and applications at the speed of light.
Our company, which provides high quality service by keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level, has always focused on providing the best service to customers.
Benefit from high-performance services at an affordable cost, while Makdos offers an excellent price-performance ratio.
Get the best customer experience with our support system. Solve your questions quickly and easily with our experienced support team.
Our company periodically conducts inspections against potential dangers and monitors the network 24/7. In this way, your security is provided at the highest level.
All orders are processed instantly and put into service in a short time.
Makdos is always with you with all server installations, migration of your websites and free SSL services like Lets Encrypt.
Makdos offers an above average uptime guarantee of 99.8%. This ensures that your visitors can always reach you and guarantees the effectiveness of your service.
Bu yazıda ssh sunucusuna otomatik giriş için sshkeygen oluşturma adımları anlatılmıştır.
Bu yazıda SSL sertifikası web sitesine yüklendikten sonra web sayfalarında 403 forbidden hatası ve çözümü anlatılıyor.
Bu yazıda temel web sitesi ve sunucu isteklerini filtreleyen netfilter iptables kural yapılandırılmasından bahsedilmiştir.
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